Advertising on LinkedIn

If you’re not advertising on LinkedIn, you’re missing out on millions of potential customers. In 2020, the number of active users was 310 million. At the moment, 5 of them are Ukrainians. This social network differs from Instagram or TikTok, firstly, the purpose — it is not entertainment, but the search for business partners, employees and useful connections. Therefore, if your CA — serious working people, executives, top managers and professionals of various spheres, in no case should not miss this channel of promotion.

Advantages of advertising on LinkedIn

Target audience. If you have a very wide and diverse audience, you will benefit from targeted advertising in all social networks. LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to reach a targeted audience of professionals and entrepreneurs. You can customize your ads based on parameters such as professional skills, job title, industry, geographic location, and other factors. This improves targeting accuracy and allows you to reach exactly the right people who may be interested in your product or service.

This professional social network is where people actively search for business opportunities, contacts and business information. Advertising on LinkedIn allows your business to be visible in this professional environment where users are more likely to make business decisions and purchases.

A variety of ad formats such as Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Text Ads and more. This gives you the opportunity to choose the right format for your message and campaign goals.

Rich retargeting capabilities — you can show ads to users who have already interacted with your brand or visited your website. This will help increase conversion rates and customer retention.

LinkedIn provides detailed analytics and tools to measure the results of your advertising campaign. You can track metrics such as views, clicks, conversions and others to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads and make necessary adjustments.

What kind of business would be suitable for advertising on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional social network that attracts a variety of audiences, mostly related to business, career, and professional development. Here are a few key audiences for whom promoting on LinkedIn will be effective:

  1. Business professionals and leaders — LinkedIn features CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers and other key figures in the business world.
  2. HR professionals and recruiters — HR professionals and recruiters use LinkedIn to find talented candidates and make professional connections.
  3. Marketing and advertising professionals — marketers and advertisers use LinkedIn to promote their brands, find partners and make industry connections.
  4. IT professionals and developers — LinkedIn often attracts information technology professionals, programmers, analysts and other IT experts.
  5. Financial Professionals — accountants, financial analysts, CFOs and other finance professionals actively use LinkedIn to share expertise and find career opportunities.

Types of advertising on LinkedIn

We offer several types of advertising formats

LinkedIn Ads Steps

Audit and analyze your existing results, competitors and the project as a whole
Drawing up a promotion strategy
Text development
Banner development
Setting up ad tracking
Setting up targeted advertising
Advertising optimization


The cost depends on the chosen rate, the amount of work, and may vary depending on the project.

The minimum cost of LinkedIn promotion from DigitalArt is from $500. We will find out a more precise price for your business after consultation, defining tasks and options.

Frequently Asked Questions

The minimum budget for promotion on LinkedIn can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the ad format chosen, target audience, geographic location, and campaign length. In general, LinkedIn recommends starting with a budget of at least $50 per day. Our experts will tell you more precisely after analysis and consultation.

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