SMM services

Many believe that there is no point in ordering SMM services if they do not bring direct sales. Yes, sales happen less often through social networks. But this does not mean that SMM is useless. In fact, it has advantages that will eventually lead you to profit.
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Quality SMM will give you advantages

Subscriber Loyalty

Your brand will acquire a "face" and "voice", become unique and recognizable. As a result, you will become attractive to loyal subscribers and potential customers. With the help of SMM, you work to increase brand awareness and retain customers. Members of the community will not only get to know the range, but also reviews, and will be able to get useful information and highlight useful insights. But, most importantly, you will always be in the mind of your customers.

Audience interest

You will be able to see how the audience reacts to your brand, process the negativity and boast about the positive reviews that will increase your credibility.

Be in trend

In such social networks as Facebook and Instagram, you will be able to react quickly to events in the world related to your niche, thereby always being "on the wave".

Brand recognition

In social networks, you will find a new audience and expand the existing one. In this way, you will already become something familiar and "family" for them, and therefore you can be trusted and addressed. In this case, "word of mouth" works well - you create interesting and useful content, subscribers share it with their friends, and they can replenish the ranks of your audience.

Antidote to negativity

In social networks, customers are much more willing to leave reviews than, for example, on the website. And even if the response to your work is negative, you will be able to process it while maintaining a positive image of the company.

DigitalArt Agency is an official Facebook partner!

What does it mean?

That our company’s services meet Facebook’s high quality standards.

There are 3 partner statuses

– Account 

– Preferred 

– Premium

DigitalArt has Account and Preferred statuses!
What do these statuses provide?

Account status – gives access to materials and tools that allow you to work better with advertising on Facebook.

Preferred status also gives access to special features, including customer support chat and technical support.

What does this mean for the customer? That Facebook advertising from Digital Art will be effective and high-quality, and all issues will be resolved promptly.

By itself, SMM does not sell. But it will make your brand familiar and desirable. And there already before the sale by hand.

Why do you need SMM?


-15% знижка на перший місяць – до 10 серпня!

Launch of social networks
(quick start)


using client content


using content from photo stocks and Internet resources

"Presence in social
networks for Instagram/
FB pages"


using client content


using content from photo stocks and Internet resources

For companies that want to be present and active in social. networks, but the main result is obtained from other sources of traffic (for example, sales from the site or offline)

Package "Sales in
social networks"


*foreign languages +

month of work (if Analytics and GTM were previously configured)

Stages of SMM promotion of the company

Profile and error analysis

We will conduct a thorough audit of your Facebook or Instagram profile, identify the mistakes that are causing you to get low results, and give you advice on how to improve the situation.

Analysis of competitorsᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ

We will also conduct an audit of competitors: how often they publish, what their positioning is, the level of engaged subscribers, presence on platforms and success.

Development of strategy and product/service positioning

Positioning is a very important part of brand image. It is what gives you a "face" and sets you apart from your competitors. Once the positioning is defined, we will develop a strategy that we will work towards to achieve the desired results.

Processing the profile name

You can be found in social networks not only thanks to advertising, but also simply by entering the desired word in the Instagram search. For example, if you have a pastry shop "Chamomile", then you can be found under the name "Chamomile_cakes", not just "Chamomile".

Creating the right profile header

The cap should contain the main brief information about you: who you are, what you offer, address, contact details, work schedule and UTP.

Creating highlights

They should not just be, but be convenient, informative and outwardly correspond to the style of the brand.

Visual processing of the grid

This stage includes the design of the visual part, based on the wishes of the client and the preferences of the target audience.

Content plan for posts

We segment posts by headings, select the topic and preliminary content, and also select the appropriate schedule for the release of posts.

Writing texts by a copywriter

All posts are written by a specialist, in accordance with the technical task and the "tone of voice" of the brand.

Content plan for stories

As with posts, stories should not be random and chaotic - we need to think in advance what and on what day we will publish.

Monthly reporting on work performed

It includes collecting key indicators, possibly replacing the strategy or making adjustments. Next, we wait for your feedback and plan the strategy for the next month, taking into account adjustments.

Myths about SMM

Smm promotion must bring sales.

Many believe that a commercial Instagram can be run just like a personal one - just post beautiful photos, add tags, and wait for customers to appear and bring income. But no, every detail is important here, from content (creative and text) to strategy.

Another extreme is to keep a profile, but not to add new sections, not to change the format, and in general, to stick to the same style as 5 years ago. But the world is changing, it is necessary to respond to the trends and interests of the audience.

Angry comments should be deleted.

"If we pretend that there were no negative reviews, then customers will think that we are good guys and that we are doing well." But you can't fool the audience, and sooner or later, if you have any problems with the product or service, the audience will know about it, and they will not forgive you for trying to hide it.

It's better to work through the negativity — to show that you don't care, that you'll do anything to fix the situation, and at the same time save face.

The main metric is subscribers.

No, the main metrics in SMM are ER and ERR and reach.

How is the work on
going on brand recognition

If your brand has just entered the market, the best way to introduce yourself and "get to know" your potential audience is to order promotion on social networks.

How it happens:

We define your target audience (TA): gender, age, interests, wealth level, type of activity, geolocation. In the future, we will create content that will appeal to those people who need and benefit from your product.

In the first publications, we will introduce the audience to you:

  • let’s talk about your company, about the advantages, about the founders. This will show that there are real people behind the brand and give the brand a personality. And this, in turn, increases confidence in the product;
  • we will show the value of your product not through dry text, but visually, clearly and interestingly for the audience;
  • we use corporate colors in the visual to achieve an associative range with the brand.

Next, you need to adhere to the regularity of posting – this will help you to be noticed by your TA and remind you of yourself. That way, even if you don’t have a product that can be bought every day (for example, installing windows), you will be remembered, and when a situation arises that a potential customer needs your product, he will not have to look far, but will remember you and will turn

Answers to common questions
SMM services or Social Media Marketing are different methods of promotion in social networks that are needed to attract and increase loyalty to the target audience.
If you want to order smm services, first you need to determine what goals you set and what results you expect - this is what determines the final cost. If 15 posts per month is enough for you, then the price will be the same, but if you want 25 posts + stories, as well as for us to prepare photo content for you, for example, the price will be different.
There are key metrics we can influence (ER, ERR, subscriber growth, number of posts and stories)

It depends not only on the work of the agency, but also on your willingness to create content, adhere to the strategy, and the ability to convey the value of your product. And, of course, from a niche.

In some companies, the result is already in the first weeks, some have to wait several months.


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