Google Shopping ads

Google Shopping ads are a way to quickly offer the user the product they are looking for on the Google search page. The user sees the product photo, price and store name, and if everything suits him, he will go to your site, saving his time. Convenient for the customer and profitable for you.

Advantages of advertising in Google Shopping

Visual representation of products along with information about prices and brand names attracts users' attention and helps them make a decision to buy based on visual data.

Higher conversion rate — Price information and product image attracts a more interested audience. This can increase conversion rates.

Spot relevancy — Google Shopping ads are displayed as a result of a search query related to a specific product. This allows you to achieve more point relevance and show ads to users who are searching for exactly what you offer.

Improved targeting — Google Shopping allows you to use different targeting options to customize how your ads are shown to specific audiences. You can choose geographic location, language, and specific product categories or keywords to reach more relevant users.

What do shopping ads look like?

There are several types of product ads on Google Shopping

How do we customize shopping ads?

Strategy development

Before any launch, it is important to make a plan to work on it. We also do a competitor analysis and take into account the data obtained when making a strategy.

Google Merchant Center

Full setup of Google Merchant Center, which also includes connectivity — this will help to track the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Google Analytics 4

We also set up Google Analytics 4, so that you can monitor the results and adjust in time.

Creating and launching a campaign

We develop ads, divide products into groups, set the price per click. When the conversion appears, you can already connect a smart campaign to automatically determine the rates and optimize the conversion price.

Campaign maintenance and monitoring

Once the campaign is launched, it is important to constantly monitor and analyze it. If in the process we find problems — we make optimization. If necessary, you can expand the campaign reach, split it into several smaller campaigns or change targeting settings.


Every month we provide the client with a report with the results of our work so that you can control the quality of our services.

Frequently asked questions
These are advertisements that are displayed on a Google page. A relatively new type of advertising that allows the user to quickly see where the product they want is available and, if the look and price is right for them, to go to the site and make a purchase. The user enters into the search, for example, «men’s sneakers Adidas», sees several options, and if any of the ads he is interested in — goes to the site.
The cost can be different, depending on many factors — the level of competition, the relevance of your ads, the quality of landing pages and your budget. It can also affect whether you order from us a complex contextual advertising or only one service.
Such advertising will be effective for online stores, marketplaces and large trading companies. If you sell goods online, and you have a website or a lending site or a store on a marketplace — Google Shopping will give you a lot of opportunities.

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