Analytics Setup

Properly setting up Google Analytics 4 is an integral part of a successful marketing and data analytics strategy. Gain important insights into visitor behavior and traffic sources, optimize your marketing and increase conversions.

How setting up Google Analytics correctly can help you

You will get detailed information about how visitors interact with your website: data on traffic, visitor behavior, conversions, and so on. This will help nurture and optimize your efforts.

You’ll know the geography, age, interests, and devices used by your audience and can optimize content for their interests.

You can track the origins of your visitors and understand which traffic sources are most effective, so you can focus your budget on them.

You will be able to track conversions: sales, registrations, and other actions, and understand which pages and campaigns are more effective.

By understanding how users interact with your site, you can improve and simplify navigation.

Setting up analytics correctly provides you with objective data from which you can make decisions about web strategy, content, marketing, and improving user experience.

Stages of setting up Google Analytics

Google entry

Create a Google Analytics 4 account.


Creating a property that represents your website or app.

Tracking code

Obtaining a unique tracking code that collects visitor data and sends it to Google Analytics for analysis.

Placing the tracking code

Placing the tracking code on every page of your website.

Validation check

Verifying that the code is installed and transmitting data correctly.

Tracking goal

Defining the goal you want to track (purchases, form fills or specific page views), setting up goals and events in Google Analytics 4.

Filters for tracking

Setting up filters to help manage your data by excluding unwanted traffic or converting data into the format you want. Creating a view to track data in split segments.


Verifying that the data collection is correct.

If you want to effectively promote your product or service, you can order contextual advertising on Google at Digital Art agency. The service also includes setting up analytics.

Answers to frequently asked questions

You will get full access with owner/administrator rights

  • Number of visits and sessions on the site.
  • Traffic sources.
  • Keywords and queries that will bring users to your site.
  • User behavior: what pages were visited, how much time users spent on each page, what links they clicked, and how they interacted with your content.
  • Goals and events such as purchases, form fills, file downloads and other conversions.
  • Audience: geography, language, devices and browsers used.
  • Size and complexity of the site structure.
  • Goals and requirements for tracking.
  • Integration with other tools such as a content management system or advertising.
  • Whether maintenance and support will be needed once Google Analytics is set up.

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