
We will increase profits by creating effective visual packaging for your business

Creating a brand

What is branding? This is actually the creation of a brand: name, ideology, positioning and communication with customers. How you will be perceived by clients, what they will associate you with, and what will be your difference from competitors depends on a high-quality branding service.

Branding is needed both at the initial stage, to create a brand from scratch, and for an existing brand to improve it and increase its prestige, and sometimes to do a complete rebranding.

And, of course, the main goal of branding is to make the project more popular and loved by the target audience. And this, in turn, leads to increased sales and increased profits.


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Stages of brand creation


Comprehensive analysis of the niche, target audience, competitors and the customer's project itself. All this is necessary in order to identify the needs of potential customers and create a brand that meets the demand.


It begins with taking into account the wishes of the client. Next, an analysis of competitors both in the local area and in the world is carried out in order to avoid repetitions. After that, there is a search for ideas and development of 2-3 variants of the name. The options are checked against Google traffic to see if they can drive traffic to your site. After approval of the names, a detailed presentation is prepared, in which each option is justified, and submitted to the client for approval.

Creation of a logo and corporate style

First comes the study and analysis of competitors. Then there is the collection of references, the creation of sketches, and the search for an image. All this is discussed with the customer. As a result, 2-3 variants of the logo are presented, which are given to the client for approval. If necessary, corrections are made, the selected option is refined. The approved logo is saved in all necessary formats so that it can be used on different media.

Development of brand book and guideline

Creating a client guide that describes the company's mission, values and philosophy, as well as your business's visual style standards and guidelines for their application.

Development of promotion strategy

The development includes the choice of promotion channels - whether it will be advertising on Google or social networks. If necessary, a website and pages in social networks are created, designed in the style of the brand.

What depends on the cost
of branding development

What problems does branding solve?

The cost of branding is not the same for everyone. It is formed depending on several factors:
At the Digital Art agency, prices for branding are calculated individually for each project, as we apply an individual approach, and do not work according to a template.
In which cases you must order branding:


Corporate identity


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    Фірмовий стиль (айдентика) — те, що виділяє ваш бренд серед інших.

    Гайдлайн (guideline) — це документ, в якому детально буде описаний ваш бренд (позиціювання, цінності, особливості дизайну) та надано рекомендації щодо використання фірмового стилю вашої компанії на різних рекламних носіях.