Advertising in TikTok

TikTok is a young and promising platform for advertising with a huge and active audience. The potential of «virality» gives the opportunity to maximize the reach and attention to your product.
Advertising in TikTok has its own peculiarities, rules and differences from advertising in other social networks. It appeared not so long ago, but if you want to order targeted advertising in social networks and at the same time keep your hand on the pulse, you should explore the possibilities of TikTok.

TikTok features

Targeted advertising in this social network is somewhat similar to advertising in the same Facebook, but has a number of significant differences that should be taken into account when preparing an advertising campaign:

  • All advertising is in video format only (1080×1920)
  • You don’t have to have a TikTok account to run ads.
  • It is possible to run ads on a catalog (there are similarities with Facebook)
  • Ad text — maximum 100 characters
  • Ability to create audiences by hashtags on topics that users are interested in
  • Users who are subscribed to a page are categorized by the topic of that page (e.g. tourism or marketing), and we have the ability to run ads in those categories.

Advantages of advertising on TikTok

Huge audience — more than 800 million active users worldwide. The platform is especially popular among young people and teenagers.

High organic engagement — short and funny videos quickly attract the attention of users.

TikTok videos often and quickly go viral, spreading beyond the platform. If your content hooks an audience, it can be shared quickly and a lot, providing a huge reach.

A variety of TikTok Ads tools for creating and customizing ads, including interest and demographic targeting, analytics and campaign optimization.

The ability to create a community around your brand or product and engage with your audience through Challenges, hashtags and comments.

TikTok is always looking for new formats and trends, which means you can safely experiment with different ideas and keep up with the latest social media trends.

Retargeting capability, which means you can show ads to people who have already shown interest in your product or brand. This can be useful for increasing conversions and sales.

Global reach — you can reach audiences in different countries and regions, which is especially useful for global brands and international campaigns.

Types of ads on TikTok

TikTok audience

The TikTok platform is characterized by a diverse and active group of users. In general, we can say that the audience of this social network is:

  1. Young — the majority of users are between the ages of 16 and 24. So if your target audience is youth and teenagers, TikTok is perfect for you.
  2. International — users are present in many countries, which means your ads can reach users all over the world.
  3. Creative — TikTok offers unique video editing tools and features, which attracts creative people who want to express themselves through videos.
  4. Socially active — It is a platform where users actively interact with each other, commenting, sharing and liking content.
  5. Very engaged — content often elicits emotional and positive reactions from users.

The main restrictions in TikTok advertising

Advertising restrictions

Advertising cannot be run in such countries as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, russia.

Local restrictions

If the advertising cabinet is new, and you start advertising in a certain country, you should do it with a proxy of this country.

GEO restrictions on advertising

Each advertising cabinet at creation fixes a certain Geo creation of the cabinet, and in the future this cabinet will have a limited number of countries to run advertising. It is impossible to launch advertising for the whole world at once.

Client numbers

You can’t use our usual database of client numbers in the cabinet

Raw analytics

Raw analytics — advertising tools are poorly developed. Can’t track conversion value and other events that can be tracked in FB cabinet.

Forbidden to use a phone number

It is forbidden to use a phone number as a call to action.

Minimum budget

For each group of ads there are restrictions on the minimum budget (for example, in Ukraine it is 200 UAH, in the U.S. — $20).

What business niches are most suitable for advertising on TikTok?

  • Personal Blog — TikTok is a great place to start a blogger’s career, because on this platform you can easily and quickly «shoot» and gain a lot of subscribers, even if you are a beginner.
  • E-commerce — the format of short and funny videos gives you the opportunity to favorably and unusually show your product in action and immediately offer to buy it.
  • Real estate — you can show your object in the video, attracting the interest of solvent young people, of which there are many on TikTok.
  • Education — courses, webinars, tutoring, exam preparation. Here you will definitely find your audience.
  • Mobile apps — you can show your app in action with an informative and entertaining video. If users like it, they will pick up the trend and the ad can even go viral.
Answers to frequently asked questions

Methods such as cryptocurrency, Payoneer, Wise are not suitable for payment, only debit and credit payment cards, as well as PayPal are accepted

  • Animals and their parts (wool, fat, skins, teeth, horns, hooves, etc.). Excluded are the category «toys for animals» and services like «dog walking».
  • Services and goods in the 18+ category.
  • Casinos and gambling (online and offline)
  • Cigarettes and tobacco products of all kinds.
  • Counterfeit and «pirated» goods.
  • Drugs, drugs and supplies and related products.
  • Military (as well as police) equipment and gear.
  • Political advertising.
  • Goods and services of a fraudulent nature.
  • Funerals, abortion, organ sales, hazardous chemical products.
  • All weapons and explosives, including firecrackers and fireworks.

The recommended minimum budget from $500, but everything is individual, depending on the advertised country.

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